A safe space

Everyone deserves a life free of violence

At our emergency shelter we meet women where they are at, we provide essential needs such as nutritious food, personal care items, anger management coaching, trauma Informed counselling and emergency shelter from 1day – 14 days (about 2 weeks) of stay. Nobody wants to experience homelessness. Women find themselves at our shelter for a variety of reasons including   inability to pay rent due to poverty, human trafficking related issues, or fleeing domestic violence or abuse.

Our main goal for each of the women is to answer the question: “How can we help you find a safe place to live during crisis?” Residents at the Women’s Shelter have a shared bedroom, along with washroom, dining and living rooms.

What to Expect when you contact us

Every shelter has its own unique policies and procedures. Wecare Immediate shelter for domestic violence survivors is a 6 room and pallor self-contain apartment, located in a confidential area with 24-hour on-site security close to the local police station. The Wecare Immediate shelter for survivors of domestic violence offers emergency housing ranging from bedspace to full access to a room and pallor self-contain depending on your preference. However, there are some common questions that you can expect to be asked. Knowing these questions and their purpose in advance can help you prepare, as well as ensure you will provide information that will help shelter staff meet your needs.

You can expect to be asked:

  • The current whereabouts of your abusive partner
  • Whether they have access to guns and/or other weapons
  • Whether you will be bringing children
  • If you live with your abuser
  • If police were involved during your most recent abusive incident
  • What medications are currently prescribed to you
  • Whether you have any pets who will need shelter
  • If you will need any accommodations for a disability
  • If there is a protection order in place against your abuser


This list is certainly not exhaustive, and it is possible you may be asked for other details of your story that we have not included here.

Spiritual Care

Spiritual care at Wecare quick shelter is an important part of the services offered to women who live in all the residences. The Spiritual Care program supports women with addressing the questions we all have, about the meaning and purpose of life and about our wellbeing.